
The Etna Cycling Park in collaboration with the ASD Il Pedale nel Cuore and the Hotel Rifugio Sapienza, established on 1 May 2019 on:

Permanent Patent for Etna Cycling Park.

The formula of the patent that will take place in the six slopes that lead to altitude on Etna and listed in the following link: allows all cyclist friends who want to compete with the ascent of his majesty the Vulcano , to try it on any date starting from 1 May 2019.

The event is divided into several patents of gradually increasing level.

  • 1 Ascent on Etna Patent “Robin of Etna”
  • 2 Mount Etna ascents from different slopes- Patent "Cirneco of Etna"
  • 3 Climbing on Etna from different slopes - Patent “Fox of Etna”
  • 4 Mount Etna ascents from different slopes - Patent “Hawk of Etna”
  • 5 ascents on Mount Etna from different slopes - Patent "Eagle of Etna"
  • 6 Mount Etna ascents from different sides - Patent "The Queen or the King of Etna"
  • 7 Mount Etna ascents from different slopes - Patent "The Empress and the Emperor of Etna"

It is not obligatory to follow a precise order of climbing, that is, the climbs can be added in a clockwise, counterclockwise or random order.

Whoever succeeds in completing the patents, is entitled to receive by email the DIPLOMA certificate of the attainment of the Patent with his own name and surname and the qualification (Example: Patent "Fox of Etna") at a cost of 8.50 euros

For those who will be able to cover all six or seven slopes of Etna in a single training session, in addition to the certificate, there is the possibility of receiving the jersey symbol of the “Queen / King of Etna” patent to be collected at the Hotel Rifugio Sapienza at the promotional cost of 39 euros to be paid directly on the spot.

For the first 10 each calendar year that will complete the 7 slopes, as well as the inclusion in the list with the recognition of Empresses and Emperors of Etna and the attribution of the King and Queen jersey, the company will be rewarded with 1 night in B / B hosted at the "house" of the Etna Cycling Park: the SAPIENZA RIFUGIO.

A replica of the shirt, with slightly different characteristics, is available for sale at a cost of 75 euros.

All the patented valiant will receive the mention in a special list published and regularly updated in the dedicated section of the website

The patent is considered completed after downloading and sending the GPS track to the email, in response to which instructions will be given to conclude the procedure for the attribution of the DIPLOMA and the PAYPAL link for payment.


Every hiker participant is aware that:

  • is on a personal excursion;
  • must follow and scrupulously respect the highway code and all official road signs;
  • The permanent patent has a maximum and minimum journey time that every participating cyclist must respect. To graduate REGINE and RE of Etna (6 ascents) or EMPRESS and EMPERORS (7 ascents) the minimum time is calculated on an average of 28 km / h, while the maximum on 12 km / h on the total time used and not on the minutes pedaled, using the formula Vm = S: T (for example 16h40 'for 200km to become Queen/King or 20h for 245 km to become Empress/Emperor). to the link: velocita_oraria.pdf
  • the organizers are in no case held responsible for any accidents that may occur before, after and during the course of the patent.

The Permanent Patent is open to every cycle tourist associated to a Cycling Society. Under-18s will be awarded diplomas / jersey if the GPS track is accompanied by a written authorization signed by a parent to be attached to the final recognition application.

By sending the email with the GPS track, the participant automatically declares to consent to the insertion of his name in the list of patents published on the site at this link , to the publication of the link of the GPS track of the completed route and also in addition to the inclusion in the mail list archive of the Etna Cycling Park.
Otherwise, in respect of the right to privacy of each participant, the denial of consent must be explicitly expressed at the time the email is sent, but this obviously does not exclude the personal and confidential sending of the patent document.

  • It is mandatory to pass, at each side, from MILESTONE STONES at the beginning and end of the climb.
  • Being a permanent non-daily patent, the organizers do not guard any road traveled or crossed during the "Etna Cycling Park permanent patent".
  • Each hiker participant provides, without the help of anyone, everything he needs for the completion of the "Etna Cycling Park Patent", aware that no organized service is planned along the way.
  • Cyclists are allowed on E-Bikes or Mountainbikes (for the KING and QUEENS possibly on a MTB the minimum hourly average of 11.5km / h is granted), the vehicle will be specified in the list published on the site with which they will be made the climbs. Please indicate in the e-mail the "e-bike mode" with which you have completed the climbs, but in any case we ourselves will be able to verify and report the climbing mode via the GPS track.


Every cyclist is responsible for his own civil and criminal liability in the event of an accident and relieves the Etna Cycling Park in case of accidents of any nature that may occur during Permanent patent. Each participating cyclist must consider himself on a personal bicycle excursion, must comply with the road traffic regulations and, under no circumstances and for any reason, must violate them. Each participating cyclist is solely responsible for his own contrary behavior, or in any case in violation, to the rules laid down by the Highway Code.

The participant cyclist must wear correct clothing and maintain ethical behavior during the course of the patent: it is not allowed to soil or leave objects / garbage along the route of the Etna Cycling Park. It is compulsory to wear the protective helmet and to personally take care of everything that is necessary to complete the patent.

However, every cyclist who starts a Permanent Patent, fully and without reservation accepts the provisions of this Regulation and relieves Etna Cycling Park of all responsibility.

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